Thursday, August 18, 2011

Rate my new pokemon diamond team?

All level 100 and pretty much every element! Thats a straight 10/10! Thats a flawless team, and the skills they are using are high-end skills. I would say you go find some people to duel you will whoop up on them! Perfect team!

Don't you find it mighty coincidental that evolution was suddenly accepted in 1859?

It's all about timing. Other sciences lend support to evolution. For example, genetics and geology are both useful in validating evolution. When other areas of science had hit that certain point, evolution made sense as part of the matrix.

Has political Correctness gone too far?

Gee, that's a nice way to celebrate peace on Earth and Good will Towards men. IJR must have forgotten about the part that says that only goes for those that believe the same thing WE do. All others can go the hell. Thanks for clearing that up. Merry F-cking Christmas to your boss as well.

Where is God in all of this?

Like honestly. I am looking back towards everything that has happened in the past few months and I am really asking myself Where is He!? I mean I don't go out and do horrible things but He let's my enemies triumph over me, He let's the world beat me down and makes **** hard. I honestly am at that point where: I know He exist, but He just doesn't care. I am really feeling like He us letting this all happen for no good reason. And the sad part is I feel free just accepting that and moving on from Him. Where is He in all this maddness and why the hell is He not doing anything to make life slightly better. I mean honestly a LITTLE bit goes a long way with me (And He should know that and give me that little bit.) I know he is there, there is just no... like... I am so tired of waiting and I am just going to give up.

Dumb ques'obvious answ, but ? I'll ?ask anyway. Should I relo 2 Boston NYC VA"area"s or TN GA SC LA~_>Reason

You're the only one that can answer that question. Check the costs of living at each place. there are websites that'll help you compare them. The farther south you go, the more humid and hot it'll be. The farther north, the more expensive. Do your homework. We can't do it for you. good luck

How often do you kiss in your relationship?

Something plays on my mind about my boyfriend and I wish it wouldn't but...I know he's not a very public display of affection kind of guy. It does get to me sometimes when we're out and I see other couples all over eachother but ultimately in public, I can understand that some people just don't see it as appripriate and find it awkward. However, he is quite affectionate in private - gives me lots of pecks and very huggy and whenever we watch tv or a film, we're always snuggled up. But for a long time, we don't really kiss "properly" with tongues unless we're having or it's leading up to . I have to be very careful with what I say as he gets sensitive about stuff so I tried to bring it up jokey once and said kissing's not just a ual thing you know and he said he knew but in reality the only time he would do that would be if we were in . I do try sometimes to kiss him properly but he never goes to do it to me and don't feel the same enthusiasm from him back. Sometimes if I do that he sorta does it back but not for very long and sometimes I can't really make it happen as it takes 2 you know and he doesn't do it back! I know everyone's going to tell me that these things go after a while with someone but for me, proper kisses are important because they imply they find you attractive etc. I don't know how normal it is for this to be the case in relationships? How often do you have proper kisses in yours? And I know it sounds bizaare but is there anything I can do to encourage it?

Ongoing sickness?

On going sickness can well be cured by cosulting a good physician and some tests done to know the specificity .Apart from that, to stay away fron such syndromes you can do pranayama's from a expert as this holds the key to a stressfull and healthy life along with a healthy diet.Lung function can well be cured with special breathing processes that are learnt in yoga.