Thursday, August 18, 2011

Rate my new pokemon diamond team?

All level 100 and pretty much every element! Thats a straight 10/10! Thats a flawless team, and the skills they are using are high-end skills. I would say you go find some people to duel you will whoop up on them! Perfect team!

Don't you find it mighty coincidental that evolution was suddenly accepted in 1859?

It's all about timing. Other sciences lend support to evolution. For example, genetics and geology are both useful in validating evolution. When other areas of science had hit that certain point, evolution made sense as part of the matrix.

Has political Correctness gone too far?

Gee, that's a nice way to celebrate peace on Earth and Good will Towards men. IJR must have forgotten about the part that says that only goes for those that believe the same thing WE do. All others can go the hell. Thanks for clearing that up. Merry F-cking Christmas to your boss as well.

Where is God in all of this?

Like honestly. I am looking back towards everything that has happened in the past few months and I am really asking myself Where is He!? I mean I don't go out and do horrible things but He let's my enemies triumph over me, He let's the world beat me down and makes **** hard. I honestly am at that point where: I know He exist, but He just doesn't care. I am really feeling like He us letting this all happen for no good reason. And the sad part is I feel free just accepting that and moving on from Him. Where is He in all this maddness and why the hell is He not doing anything to make life slightly better. I mean honestly a LITTLE bit goes a long way with me (And He should know that and give me that little bit.) I know he is there, there is just no... like... I am so tired of waiting and I am just going to give up.

Dumb ques'obvious answ, but ? I'll ?ask anyway. Should I relo 2 Boston NYC VA"area"s or TN GA SC LA~_>Reason

You're the only one that can answer that question. Check the costs of living at each place. there are websites that'll help you compare them. The farther south you go, the more humid and hot it'll be. The farther north, the more expensive. Do your homework. We can't do it for you. good luck

How often do you kiss in your relationship?

Something plays on my mind about my boyfriend and I wish it wouldn't but...I know he's not a very public display of affection kind of guy. It does get to me sometimes when we're out and I see other couples all over eachother but ultimately in public, I can understand that some people just don't see it as appripriate and find it awkward. However, he is quite affectionate in private - gives me lots of pecks and very huggy and whenever we watch tv or a film, we're always snuggled up. But for a long time, we don't really kiss "properly" with tongues unless we're having or it's leading up to . I have to be very careful with what I say as he gets sensitive about stuff so I tried to bring it up jokey once and said kissing's not just a ual thing you know and he said he knew but in reality the only time he would do that would be if we were in . I do try sometimes to kiss him properly but he never goes to do it to me and don't feel the same enthusiasm from him back. Sometimes if I do that he sorta does it back but not for very long and sometimes I can't really make it happen as it takes 2 you know and he doesn't do it back! I know everyone's going to tell me that these things go after a while with someone but for me, proper kisses are important because they imply they find you attractive etc. I don't know how normal it is for this to be the case in relationships? How often do you have proper kisses in yours? And I know it sounds bizaare but is there anything I can do to encourage it?

Ongoing sickness?

On going sickness can well be cured by cosulting a good physician and some tests done to know the specificity .Apart from that, to stay away fron such syndromes you can do pranayama's from a expert as this holds the key to a stressfull and healthy life along with a healthy diet.Lung function can well be cured with special breathing processes that are learnt in yoga.

My last two bench players are Jerry Porter (WR - raiders) and DeShaun Foster (RB - panthers), any moves?

i would keep foster and drop jerry for either joe horn, antwaan randel el, michael clayton, or eddie kennison

When should i get my xbox 360?

Bro just wait until Christmas cause MW3 is going 2 be pretty badd *** they have been making that game since the day they came out with Modern Warfare 2, so I would just recommend waiting til Christmas because then you have the money to buy some more awesome games for your 360, Personally I dont like the 360, I own a PS3, but just wait if you do you can like get a mic for your 360 and all that stuff and im sure you will like MW3 better

Whatcha talking about Willis?

willis!! look... a href="" rel="nofollow"…/a

How do I name tabs in excel worksheet by using previous tab as a guide to naming my tabs in ascending order?

for example, on my first tab, I have "TX-1052, 2nd tab TX-1053... and I have to rename 250 tabs that currently read, "OK-1052 and so on. I do not want to have to rename 250 tabs. Is there a way to rename all 250 tabs by using "OK-1052.... and which will write the next 250 as OK-1053, OK-1054 and so on?

1996 camaro V6 3.8 smoking

i have a 96 camaro V6 3.8 auto that has a smoking problem. it has a cold air intake, dual exhaust and no cat. thats all the mods i know about since i bought it used. if i change the oil or add stp to oil it wont smoke as much for awhile until the oil breaks down some. i never have to add oil which makes me think its not oil burning but why will it stop a little if i change oil... Hmmm. anyway if im idleing at a light and then go its like a cloud behind me. the car runs great, no misfire, plenty of power, im afraid to tune it up because it runs so good. i was thinking that maybe it could be the exhaust system not having enough force to expell the harmfull pollution into our ozone. it dosent seem to feel like a lot of force coming from exhaust. im not real concerned about it because it runs so well, its just a little embarring. any help or ideas would be great. thanks all

Ford Falcon XG misfire?

Before I can try to answer your question I have to ask you a few. Such as what year the car is and what engine (displacement) it has in it.

Oyster card or travel card - London?

You have to consider your social life too. It would make sense making it a travel card if you were likely to be going out socialising a couple of times per week (i.e. drinks at weekends and to play football or tennis during the week).

What's your random fact of the day?

when you pour salt on a snail, you can actually hear it stepfather used to scare me by jumping out of the closet looking like Mary Ann from Gilligan's mother was a beauty pageant contestant who never won anything...she was such a total you have a cat?

Old, x-mas ornaments, hand painted blown you think they are worth anything/?

I just can't handle anymore stuff and after my aunt died last year I am overwhelmed with her stuff. I would like to keep everything but with limited space that is hard to do. Should I give them to the trhift store or try to sell them??? Do you think they are worth anything???? thanks

What is the name of a song that sounds like Calabria?

It has no vocals... it sounds similar to Calabria, but also sounds a little like progressive trance, the sax or trumpet (or whatever instrument it is..) is blaring loud. The loop is about 4 seconds long and plays through the entire song. This is just a wild guess but the last name of the artist may have been something like Patersson, or Peterson...etc.

Dictatorship vs. Democracy?

You see in a Dictatorship you wouldn't have homework ignments. You would have what ever ignments the all mighty dictator command of you they you would do that ignment or most likely would become acquainted with Death. IN democracy you can choose to ignore the ignment all together.

What do you think my chances are?

If you got a positive the morning after you BD'd, along with the EWCM, then it looks like you had really good timing. That, along with the cramps, tells me that you will be ovulation 12-36 hours from then. Good luck!

What is the reason for it?

You can overclock only so far before you start to have problems. That point will vary as not all setups can handle the same amount of overclocking. If you feel the need for more speed try buying a newer setup rather than trying to blow out the old one.

Computing the average score using C programming. I need to fix this error ASAP!!?

I think you will have to post more of the code. Your logic seems correct, but the use of the return statements leads me to believe that you are using this code in a function call. The unexpected identifier error is coming before the if statement.

Nicole Richie in the Simple Life?

i know wat you mean maybe she thought she looked so fat compared to paris hilton or maybe she lost a lot of weight because she just wanted some extra attention

First person vs third person novels?

I definitely like first person better, but then in some first person novels I get the feeling that I want to know more from the other character's perspective.

Fish feeding requirements/ aquarium improvements?

Any type of sinking alge pellets or wafers sold at your local pet store would be great for your plecos.

Whats wrong with me never feel like that befor?

Every thing hurst my head down behind my neck down my back my feet all of my mucles and I have sore throat I when to the doctor today he give me antibiotic I did drink it but I'm felling worts what should I do

I have a...... Serious question, Really, Who are the Jews in Revelation 2:9?

Its God's people, or the people who follow his commandments. The Jews are not the Israel in Revelation. Israel is the name of God's followers. There are two different Israels, the physical nation, and God's people, and Revelation is talking about his people. The Jews still deny that Jesus was the Messiah, so how can they be God's people still?

AGP trouble , need help please (only genius answers needed)?

the AGP cards ask for the voltage from the AGP slot rather than the AGP slot voltage being "fixed" at some voltage on the motherboard

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Why do American women suck in comparison to every other country?

American women are much more naive, especially suburban young women. I really, honestly cannot think of anyone more naive and a suburban young woman. European women are much more likely to tell you to piss off when your presence is not wanted. Believe me you got it all retarded, maybe the problem is you.

50... Diabetes... Period?

Hello... my mommy has diabetes and she's 50. When she was 48 I think she had her menopause and just a week ago she got her period. Is this normal? Is it really period or bleeding? Does this have anything to do with her diabetes

Are the Packers the "greenest" team in the NFL?

Maybe they are a "green" team. After all they are located in a blue state which is dominated politically by the Democratic Party (God bless 'em) and of course the people of Wisconsin are mostly liberals (God bless 'em). I hope you realize how lucky you are to be surrounded by all those liberals; it would be a nightmare to have to live in a state where you're surrounded by a bunch of conservative weenies. Don't you agree?

Full grown crocodile vs. elephant. who will win?

A croc doesn't grab something it has no chance of taking down. No reptile does. A python isn't going to grab a cow, or a garter snake a rabbit. Especially when that animal could easily crush the predator underfoot.

How to show that each interior angle of a regular pentagon is 108 degree.?

Draw 2 chords inside the pentagon to form 3 triangles. The sum of angles of each triangle is 180�, or 540� for all. That's the sum of all the interior angles of the pentagram, so divide 540� by 5 to get 108� for each interior angle.

Science Fair help - Nail Polish..READ INFO!!!?

well just by looking at the names and stuff, sally hansen is a great brand with high quality stuff. and diamond strength, well, its gotta be good. and covergirl is okay, but not like amazing or anything. and NYC is really cheap. and loreal, idk if i've ever used that kind. good luck with your project! :)

How can i get over depression?

it seems lke everything i do, i just have bad luck. every job i get, i get fired, i dont really have anyone who understands me or what im goin through. my parents were never there for me when i was little, and they still arent now, i just found out im pregnant, and only 17. my boyfriend dosent want to keep it, but i dont want to kill it. i live in an extremely racist neighboorhood, my life is hell right now and i really have no one to talk to. someone please help?

Bipolar ex girlfriend?

Just wait for her . She will be back if you are there for her. The one with the longest history wins the prize

What is the difference between microplush and fleece blankets?

Trying to find a really soft warm and thick blanket and was wondering what the difference between the 2 fabrics are. They look the same to me but are they they same?

Experts...Please help me on Bach's Prelude in A flat, BWV 862......?

May I offer you a suggestion? I've never been a big JS Bach fan, but when I do play one of his works, I just use my own . This goes for either organ or piano. Just do whatever comes naturally and you may be better off than trying to force yourself to use the editor's .

I got beheaded in my dream 2x?

boy is there some chaos happening in your life or what! either physically or emotionally you are using poor judgment (loosing you head) in fixing this chaos (that would be the movie you're play a part of).

GUYS: What do you like girls to smell like?

Fruity. Girl fruit deoderant smells super nice, one time in cl this girl sprayed some on me and it was so awesome I kept smelling myself for the rest of the day.

Bangkok Airport to Pattaya by Taxi - Cost?

As indicated prior, the bus is not a bad experience. However, if you want to take a taxi, do not contract for one until you get outside of the "hall". When you exit the hall, you will see lots of people waiting for groups, waiting to get your business, etc. Arriving on an international flight, you'll be at the far end of the terminal. Make a 180 degree turn and head toward the other end of the terminal. Everyone will be bothering you for a taxi but keep walking. Once you get about 3 doors/2 escilators from where you exited the hall (though you are still inside the terminal) start asking people about a taxi. If you go outside, the price is even cheaper. Just make sure someone that followed you the whole time isn't the one talking to you. You should be able to get a taxi (metered though they won't usually turn on the meter) for 1200 - 1400 baht, including the tolls. The taxi will be pre-paid, you pay an agent at the airport. Tell the person that you want to check out the taxi though most of them are in good order.

HUGE SURPRISE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!…


In test for halogens, if a yellow precipitate was obtained with AgNO3,?

could you right away conclude that only Br or I is present in your compound?" and how could you determine the specific halogen(Cl, Br,I) present in your test compound after fusion?

Edgar Allan Poe - Examples of Imagery, Repetition and Symbolism?

I'm writing a paper on Edgar Allan Poe, and I need as many examples as I can for Imagery, Repetition and Symbolism in his writing.

When do you think all of today's major religions will be accepted as for what they are, mythology?

It happened with Zeus generations ago, when will it happen with these? (Christianity, Catholicism, Satanism, Judaism, Islam, Sikhism, etc.)

Is the Green Bay Packers going into the playoffs?

Im a packers fan and yes I am keeping track of the playoff picture! Does anyone know if the packers are going to go into the playoffs?

Who would win between Mitt Romney vs. Rick Perry?

Not who you prefer, but if you had to decide which of these two would realistically win, which one do you think would?

Native English speakers, can I have your istance?

I think it sounds just fine. The only change I would make is use program instead of programme, but that is only if it is a reference letter for the US.

Rate my 12 team H2H team STAR IS HANLEY!!!?

Jose Lopez is 2B eligible. Peralta could be your weakest position as he is barely in the top 25 3B. You have no need for Orlando. Look in the FA list for Casey McGehee. Drop Cabrera for him. Borbon isn't an every day starter. I'd be looking to replacing him. He is fast but probably won't get the AB's to make him worth carrying. You can compete but none of your players can have a bad year without hurting your chances. I see this team as 78 out of 100. Beef up your bench. Shop the FA list.

Criminal Minds fans?

I can't STAND that woman, not since the first moment I saw her. I knew Mandy Pantinkin was leaving the show due to "creative differences", and haven't I always wondered what THAT means. All I know is if she manages to get rid of Thomas Gibson's character, I'm outta here.

Calcium Power, Heat lamps & Leopard Geckos?

too much calcium can cause problems to your gecko any animal for that fact (even humans) and make sure the calcium doesnt have D3 in it. i dont think it would be too hot, and if it is then he would just go to the cool side. and you could always cover half of the cage to keep the heat in

How do I deal with 2 difficult girls?

In my group of friends at 6th form, there are 2 girls that I have difficulty with. One girl often criticises what Im saying to another person, and always talks to me in a monotone sarcastic manner. The other girl is far worse, whilst sometimes we share temporary good relations, she is incredibly overbearing. She thrives on arguments and confrontation, and always states that I'm in the wrong when I don't know what I've done. My parents got involed in one of these arguments once, and both girls have criticised me for it ever since. Both sometimes work together in their mind games and seem to be happy when they think they've insulted me. They both like to get the rest of my group of friends involved,in arguments and criticism against me, and seldom communicate with me when their on their own. I would like an ertive way in preventing what they're doing and stop it happening permanently. I am also worried that whatever I do will destroy my friendship with other people in my group

Who makes quality couches for reasonable prices?

I want to buy a nice (comfy!) couch for a reasonable price. Not too cheap... not absurdly expensive. But I don't want it falling apart in a couple years either, and it sounds like there are some outfits to be wary of. Where's the best place to go for nice comfy furniture that will last a while but not put me in bankruptcy?

I am a recent college graduate w/about 30k debt forced to live @ home w/ a very NEGATIVE family- how to deal?

It's extremely difficult [ borderline impossible ] to change other people. Much easier to change your attitude towards them, I sense some 'poor me', self-pity in your question, be more accepting and forgiving. You mention bathroom mold / dust/ etc., why can't YOU help clean the place if it bothers you !

I want to be an American Soldier but im living in Colombia?

Go to the American emby there. Let them know what you want and they will turn you to the right direction.

Atheists: Why do Christians say we have to start believing in God to believe in God? Isn't that a paradox?

I don't think its a paradox more of a circularity really. The definition of a paradox is "A paradox is a true statement or group of statements that leads to a contradiction or a situation which defies logic and or intuition" . I don't think that qualifies as a true statement which leads to a contradiction.

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Does anybody know a really touching love song?

Anything by Secondhand Serenade! His songs are ALWAYS from his heart and they're so beautiful. for example: Vulnerable, Maybe, Your call, Broken, It's not over, I hate this song. Just look up on youtube! :)

Why is HDMI pin 18 recessed?

I trying to figure out my HMDI hook-up problem. I see that Pin #18 lower right side of small side the pin is only half way out? It is like that on both ends of the cable. Is this normal, or could this be a problem. Ed

Me and my best frend do Muay Thai Kickboxing?

When we long for life without difficulties, remind us that oaks grow strong in contrary winds and diamonds are made under pressure

What Is The Closest We Came to Nuclear War?

I agree with your post. I wasn't alive back then, but it sends a small chill up my spine every time I think about how close we were to nuclear war.

Is my fantasy Team alright?

You have 4 solid receivers on your roster. I'd look into trading one of the better ones for a better RB. That's where you look pretty weak. Then drop Shockey and try for a better waiver wire pick-up. Maybe wait till week one is over to do that. You'll have a better idea about who some of this years sleepers are going to be. Because trust me, there are always a few sleepers left untouched.

Any creative/unique Big sister (sorority) gift ideas?

I need a gift for my big for initiation but i don't know that much about her. I know she likes crossword puzzles and I know I want to give her something nice that she'll really appreciate!

Maroon 5 on Howard Stern?

Does anybody know where I can download the interview of M5 on Howard Stern?? I think they were on way back in May, but I don't have Sirius. Can anyone help me out?

Question regarding prostate cancer?

My dad was diagnosed with prostate cancer April of 2007. July 2007 he had the Da Vinci Robot remove his prostate. Now he goes in for regular checkups.....when he was diagnosed his PSA level was he just had the PSA again and it's .3. I know it's not nearly as high as what it was before .3 is a long ways from 4....but what does the .3 mean? The doctor didn't seem concerned....and my dad is going to go back for a bunch of opinions. Just wondering if anyone can help me undestand what the .3 means. Can those cells be killed off with working out and eating well (which he already does)...or will he prb need radiation or hormone therapy?

Why is this so hard to believe?

Why is it that a lot of people are unaware of black hispanics. Both my parents are colombians from buenaventura. My mom is mixed with black and my dad is black. A lot of people(teachers at my school, my peers, people at the grocery store ect.)are shocked when they know I speak spanish. I also wonder why black people(african americans)say I'm not black but colombian. And many hispanics tend to tell me I'm hispanic and not black. Just like african slaves were brought to america there were also some who were brought to colombia. My race is black and I'm ethnically clified as hispanic! Why is that so hard for people to believe?

Issues with cats and baby on the way - any one have any similar situations?

So we have three cats with baby on the way. One is very good and almost protector cat (he is very much like a dog actually). The next one who was quite nonchalant and disinterested at first is now all of a sudden VERY bad - juping up on to things, scratching the new carpet we installed, just bad in general. The third one totally has a horribly insecure attachment. We got him when he was three and he had been discarded by his previous owners as they were having a baby and decided you can't have cats and a newborn (STUPID). His three year old companion who he was taken to the Humane Society with died while there as he got so depressed, he would not eat. Ours was not far off when we rescued him. He has done so well here but lately has been VERY meowy, follows me everywhere, wants to constantly sit on my lap, has not reacted well to being locked out of our bedroom at night (in preparation of having the baby in there wiith us in his binet the first little while) and howls like he is being beaten almost. The kitties also have NO access to the babies room and haven't since we decided it would be the babies room. They have their own bed to sleep on with soft, comfy bedding, get lots of playtime and snuggles and really are treated like out "first kids". However, the closer we get to baby arriving, the worse the two of them get. Anyone have any experience with this? Getting rid of them is NOT an option as we have all the safeguards in place and would only consider that if our child was deathly allergic. Thank you!

Has any husband out there changed?

So if he would not ve seen her naked on some site he wud ve still continued ?? Daylight dawned on him after he saw her naked ?? So if he wudnt ve they wud ve very well been together isnt ? Im just trying to get some perspective here. Is he really sorry that he has cheated because he knows he is wrong and hurting you? Or he is sorry that he saw her naked and he is hurt by what she did to him that made him end the relationship. Look u can always forgive a man who is really sorry for what he has done but not the one who has done it purposefully. I do not believe in the concept :once a cheater always a cheater" There can be many reasons behind cheating like unhappiness, emotional or mental needs but if he has done it just for the heck of it then he really deserves to b punished! I feel that u ve given him a perfect family atmosphere but he still went ahead and did what he did and moreover left his autistic son! Thats more than terrible. And i feel he is more sorry that he had to c her naked than actually cheating on u! U r the better judge here. If u feel he is genuinely sorry then ya u forgive him and start a new life but if ur conscious says otherwise be strong enuf to let him go. Remember trust is more important than monogamy.

Can we just bring our troops home already?

I'm there with you on that one. It saddens me that all these young people are out there. I Iive in a Navy town and every week someone from here is killed. I don't care about the politics any more. JUST BRING OUR TROOPS HOME.a href="" rel="nofollow" a href="" rel="nofollow"…/a

Why does Nanny Pelosi hate America so much she is unwilling to allow us to drill for our own oil in the Gulf?

The only drilling Pelousy condones is what they do to each other in those San Fransisco gay bars of hers.

What is your favorite baseball mascot ?

I don't really have a favorite baseball mascott, I guess. Sorry :( ! The sports that I like to watch are motorsports like NASCAR--Yeah!!!!!

Need a clic but not over-used girl name?

Clic names that I like are Charlotte, Victoria and Evelyn. We might have different taste, but in my opinion you can't go wrong using any of those names. I like Isabella Katherine from your list the best, congrats on having a girl after two boys :-)

Starwars episode 6 character?

whats the name of that chinese looking thing that is with lando in the millenium falcon when they are attacking the death star

Christians who celebrate Christmas....when you are told by others?

for the record this point is brought up simply because christians question the why atheists and other non-believers celebrate christmas.

Do you think this may explain?

I just read a study that wealthy folks (folks who have never had to overcome adversity) cannot feel empathy. That's kinda where I am at in my explanation of what seems to be a basic lack of humanity that comes along with being rich...

Why many people likes older star Wars than newer ones?

the reason I didn't like the the new ones, the prequels, is that Lucas used CG effects as a crutch and was in love with it. Where as the Original trilogy he used special effects to aid the story not be the center. He let his political view seep into the some of the Dialogue and banter in ep III, I am not saying I disagree but it did ruin the story. Another problem is the concept of Anikin, in Ep I, understanding advance robotics and AI and it is treated as a normal occurrence, now maybe its my ego being bruised but it seemed to far fetched, In ep II, Obi Wan is oblivious to the plot holes, the plot hole are so evident not just to the viewer but if the character was real and he put his overall experiences together he would know the truth, which comes to my biggest problem, its not realism, graphics, but the fact that jedi, yoda and co. accept things without question or inquire. Ok bounty hunter connected to clones, clones secretly made, accepting them without investigation, jengo connected to dooku. Hmmm. If you watch ep II and connect the dots you can see the connection and with only the same knowledge the characters have.

How old is old enough to get a tattoo?

I say it's when you are on your own and can pay for it yourself. Mothers of 3 my teen daughter's friends have allowed their kids to get one at 13, 14 and 16. I won't be changing my mind about it, but just curious of other opinions. Thanks. (btw, these are NOT small little tats of erflies or hearts, etc. One is a very large scroll with her name on it on her arm, the other is a somewhat smaller one of her name and a heart, while the other is a tramp stamp!)

What was the last thing you were really happy about?

I often feel sad nowadays because of relationship problems and nostalgia, but I'd have to say that spending time with friends on Skype, playing games together was probably the last thing that made me really happy/smile. :)

What to do? Please Help!!!!!!!?

Me and this girl I've known for about 2 and half years and I really like her, but the problem is what do I do? I don't want to ask her out because I'm afraid of losing the friendship. That would be a major loss. We're both in 9th grade and have 1 cl together. This is kinda crazy for a guy, but once in awhile I get heartaches just thinking that I might lose her to another guy. I've told her about 2 years ago about my feelings of her, but I don't know if she still thinks I have feelings for her. I lack confidence also. What should I do? Thank you to people who respond to this question.

Who said that Hemingway was a psycho?

Maybe you read Hemingway:A Life Without Consequences by James R. Mellow. I used it to write a research paper, and I think that there might have been some discussion about Hemingway being crazy.

Monday, August 15, 2011

Is there any way to make my boyfriend's mom like me without kissing up?

My boyfriend and I have been going out for two years now. He is 17 and I am 16. At the beginning of our relationship his mom loved me. Ten months into our relationship my boyfriend's brother got a girlfriend (the trashiest girl in the world). This girl doesnt even speak proper english! She is poorly educated and dresses very trashy. Yet my boyfriend's mom absolutely adores this girl. One time my boyfriend's parents made dinner for all of us and some of their family and my boyfriend and I were completely ignored and my boyfriend's brother and his hooker girlfriend were the center of attention. Now this hooker girl is pregnant with some man's baby (there's a 25% chance the baby is my boyfriend's brothers...due to the fact she has slept with 4 men). My boyfriend's mom treats this hooker girlfriend like a God. She is even paying 100% for a babyshower at a banquet hall for this hooker girl. Then me, a straight A student, a belly dancer, ballet dancer, jazz and lyrical dancer, gymnast, model and actress, voted best smile and best all around in school, I often get critisized for being too "dry" my boyfriends mom even says I'm "stuck-up" and brain washes him to break up with me. This lady is the anti-christ!

Global Warming Theorists: climate change may indeed be caused by the Sun, so global warming may be unproved??

The key word in your sub-heading is "believe". The global warming theorists have become so rabid in their belief of global warming that they attack ANYONE who finds evidence to the contrary. It only makes their own case less credible. I am old enough to remember the "ice age" hysteria of the 70's. It is all designed to extract more money from taxpayers and energy consumers.

Can a 3.33 Finance Major GPA hinder my career in banking?

If you have connections you should be fine. People generally refer to the sub 3.5 being a hindrance if you are trying to break into banking without connections. Just get more experience this summer, make sure to network a bunch a UBS, and keep improving the grades. Once graduation roles around you should be good with your connections and previous experience (especially if you are at Northwestern).

What are some real info about Scorpios?

Ok I believe in astrology because the traits describe me completely. Like whenever a guy asks me what my sign is and i say scorpio, they get scared and think i'm going to kill them or something ha ha. Look i like fighting but i wont kill every person i se ha ha. Also whenever a girl i'm dating asks me they get like horny for some reason when i tell them. I just want some of you to tell me real qualities and symbolic things such as zodiac stone, animal, etc. Also i was thinking of getting a men's scorpio pendant, if any of you know where i can find one that's around $20-$30 that is either black or some form of silver/gray that would rock!

Can I cook thawed meat then put in refridge for 2 days to use towards a meal?

You most definitely can and should. When you say "meat," that can mean a lot of things; and, my answer might be different if I knew what specific meat we were talking about.

Looking for opinions on the car we want to purchase - 2005 ford focus ZX4 ST?

we are a family on a budget. we have 2 kids. my husband works full time and im starting school in the fall. right now we drive a 1993 plymouth acclaim we bought for $1500 last year, but its now got 210000 kms (131000 miles) and we have sunk over $3000 in repairs over the last year, so we're looking at upgrading to something more modern, with a monthly car payment and buying the extended warranty for 2 years. We've looked around town and we've mostly decided on a 2005 ford focus zx4 st. we werent even going to consider it until we test drove it and compared it to the other vehicles in our price range. its got 95000 kms on it (59000 miles) and is fully loaded with sunroof, heated leather seats, 5 speed manual, power everything, 6 cd changer, premium upgraded sound system etc etc etc. nothing else in our price range has compared feature wise. the car we're looking at is listed at $7895, canadian funds. are we getting a good deal? from what i can see online, i think we are although its hard to find this sport edition for sale, its mostly the focus SE or SES. we like this one because even though we cant afford huge payments right now with me going to school, its still top of the line for this particular model with all the features. its also, MUCH MUCH nicer to look at inside than our current crapmobile haha. so - opinions please? what do you think of this car? it seems to fit the bill perfectly - spacious enough for 2 car seats in the back and a double stroller in the trunk for the babies, but sporty and fun enough for mom and dad to enjoy driving daily.

Java Program Odd or Even using Methods?

I'm no Java expert, but I'm pretty sure your use of the keyword "return" is inappropriate in this context. You cannot use it to refer to the value that was just returned by the function/method on the previous line - instead you should have used a variable to store the value returned by odd_Even().

What is the type of this confusing C declaration?

I'm not too sure, but it looks like foo is a function pointer to a function that has as it's first argument, another function pointer to a function that returns a double and takes a double and an array of doubles.

Is the 1 in 4 statistic true regarding or attempted of college women?

I have read several times that 1 in 4 college women will either be d or suffer attempted . Is this statistic true? That just sounds really high to me. Besides, I can see this statistic being inflated by cases where the women gave consent but were drunk and regretted having later. What are your thoughts?

Taking the PSAT as a freshman...?

My school requires you to take the PSAT as a freshman, sopre, and junior. As a freshman, it doesn't count for anything except you have to be one of the top scorers to be qualified for AP Global History in Spring term... my school is a specialized high school so everybody there is very smart. I took a practice last thursday, and I am taking the real one this wednesday. I think i did really badly on the practice one so I am very nervous for the one wednesday, even though I am usually very good at standardized testing. What is the best way to prepare for it (and quickly) as i really want to get into AP Global??

Explain the NFL Collective Bargaining agreement?

Well, The NFL owners and administrators want to take a billion dollars out of player salaries and use it to do marketing and other things. Now yes NFL players make alot of money but you don't know what they go through to be the best, I my self am a D1 college player right now and it hurts all those vigorous workouts, those players risk their lives for something they love and we love to watch! Now who do you think is right? The NFL has no right to tap into player salaries especially for marketing! Like who needs marketing for the NFL it's the national football league!

Why do you have to become a nudist to go outside naked? I think it must be against the Constitution to make us?

Get over yourself. You sound more like a pervert than a nudist. Why are you bringing this up here? And its obvious you know nothing about the bible. And not everyone wants to see your naked body.

Lipo 6 for Women?! What does it do for me?

go here a href="" rel="nofollow"…/a it should tell u wat u need to kno

Doggy Diarrea!!?

My male pomeranian has diarrea. Every morning I feed him "Pedigree Country Stew" In a can. I mean it's not REALLY runny diarrea, but just enough to get stuck on the hair on his . Sorry to talk about something so revulting...I just want to know what I can give him to stop it. P.S. He won't eat that crunchy food in a bag, even if I put it in his soft food. He just goes around it.

What should I wear to Sadies?

My school's theme for Sadies is fifties. Sort of like Grease? So Im not really sure what I should wear. I want to go with the theme but still look good and not too over the top. You know what I mean? ;]

If an asteroid was going to crash into the Earth, do you think we could stop it?

a href="" rel="nofollow"…/a

Was this instincts or did i just get lucky?

Dude you are a pimp! Smooth with the stroking your hair. Don't be too eager, be suave, be casual. That was a sudden burst of confidence my friend, nice work. The exact same thing happened to me, and it lasted for an amazing 3 months. Again, nice work and that was instinct totally, call her up or text and ask her to a movie, then do it again. This depends on your age, though. Good Luck!!

How do I make a Work Cited page in MLA with these 4 sources?

This question has been asked many times. Go to the "search for questions" box above and enter "MLA". On many of the previous answers you will find style sheets from various universities that you can download and use. The wisest thing to do is to go to your own campus library's website to see what standard they are using.

Opinions on radio station talking about panhandling?

This morning while I was getting ready for work I listened to a local radio dj report a statistic about panhandling. It was: "on average a person who panhandles makes $15/hour." He did not report where this statistic came from, how accurate it was, or if he was only speaking locally. We heard from 1 caller who said that she had an encounter where she tried to purchase a Dunkin Donuts coffee for a panhandler and he responded with he only drinks Starbucks. We heard from no other callers. The radio dj went on to say that they are probably just scammers trying to make quick money and that he has never put so much as a penny toward these people or homeless people in general. No other comments were made. Thoughts on this? Right or wrong? Opinions?

Is Obama a hypocrite?

While he continues to attack McCain for special interests and lobbyists, Obama himself has welcomed the corn-ethanol lobbyists.

Should Sir Jack Hobbs' FC record be revised to give him 200 centuries?

Sorry no, but that doesn't mean he didn't make more centuries. I guess records weren't as strictly kept as they are today. It would be fitting if they did this anyway.

Is This True About The OB/GYN?

Today, i called my insurance company for the name of OB/GYN's in my area. When i called, the lady gave me two names, both women. Now, I dont have a problem with that because I prefer women doctors. I didnt request it, she just gave it. I guess she knew that women feel more comfortable w/ women DR's. So, my question is, that is it true that male Ob/GYN dr's would see less patients/make less money? It's just sheer curiousity. If you are a male ob/gyn reading this i'd appreciate your opinion on this matter.

Can anyone interpret these dreams?

I think that your stressing about something and that's what's making you dream things like that. I think it might be family related and you should defenetly. See what situation is stressing you and try to resolve it. Does kinds of dreams are stress related.

HITLER: - Pictures/photographs taken by Charles TURNER in 1939 in Bayreuth?

Question Details: Can the pictures/photographs of Hitler, that were taken by Charles TURNER, way back in 1939, be viewed somewhere on the WEB? They were apparently released, just yesterday. I understand that one picture shows Hitler in white tie and tails and another shows him going towards his personal Mercedes. From a historical point of view these are interesting pictures and more so, as Charles Turner was described as being an intrepid British spy, who had been given carte blanche permission to photograph 'Adolf'.

Should i believe what he says?

Im sure there will be several people telling you that he is just a player and to move on...and I suppose you could look at it like that, but he isn't necessarily being a player. He does seem to want the best of both worlds, being in a relationship and being single. Some guys just want to make sure they still have "game" even though they have been in a relationship for a while. However, he very well could be lining up girls just in case you and him don't work out. He is probably confused right now because this other girl came at a bad time since he is in a relationship right now. However based on what happened between him and the other girl (which I am curious to know how you found) I would say that a reconsideration of your relationship status with this guy is in order. I don't think he is quite ready to date you yet.

How many of you would find this to be a really weird coincidence?

a href="" rel="nofollow"…/a

Can anyone explain this to me?

"At least 8 major dates related to the leaving traveling and arriving of the iraqis. each date will be annotated. this means your partnership will have a detailed paragraph of knowledge for each event or major date in the story of your diaspora. include dates names, how this date/name relates to your overall diaspora story. use only your own words in your summaries" please help!

Swine Flu Injection Tomorrow ?

I am having the swine flu vaccination tomorrow. I have a soccer game on Friday Night. I'm set to have the injection on Wednesday morning, will I still be able to play?

Culturally Speaking: How do you feel about healthcare reform?

I'm sort of ambivalent about the health reform, and going through two different insurance companies, it was a pain. Not only had a high pay quarterly bill, base of my yearly salary. I was going broke, but it was no way that I could reach my deductible. Since, having this pre-existing condition, most likely, I would be turned down. I rather go with government for right now, because the insurance companies aren't doing anything.

Sunday, August 14, 2011

How Are These Laptop Specs?

That's pretty expensive. Below is a link for a really good laptop that are better than the one above plus it's cheaper. It comes with a dedicated graphics card so you can do some gaming when needed!

Which all girl sibset do you prefer?

I like Coralie, Rhiannon, Seraphina, Georgiana and Rosemary better, because I love the names Coralie, Rhiannon and Seraphina

Eli Manning and Peyton Manning?

I agree man,people love stats,they think it's the ffl not the nfl.All that maters is wins and eli has that just like big ben but because that don't have the stats people say they are not elite,which is complete bs.

Careers/university education in computers?

The problem with that is that math and programming go hand in hand. You may have got by at the high school level of programming without advanced math; however, if you aren't good at math, you aren't going to be a very good programmer at the university level; and you certainly aren't going to be a good at it for your profession.

Question abt girlfriend ! plz hlp?

Then play her ball game. Dont kiss her .. Because every guy she dated tired to kiss her. so you play a different ball game dont kiss her dnt touch her just dont get near her be a gentlemen and she will be like wow this guy is different from the others and she will open up with u and give you a kiss trust me .... Dnt matter on sin .. kissing and touching is in our ho-morns we gonna do it

Shouldn't anyone who is against abortion also be against factory farming of animals?

Respecting life should include all life, not just the lives of people...kind of funny how vegetarians are considered liberals and "pro-life" people are conservative...

What should I do for my 18th birthday?

For my birthday I am already renting an blow up astro jump and I am inviting 35 friends. What else should I plan that will entertain people for hours and not leave them bored? I don't want to watch a movie.

Need a little feedback and advice concerning my writing?

This is the best piece of work I've seen of yours and, I think, the most original idea. The action descriptions work well for me and the dialog is great. All the actions are clear and logical. You're handling attributions very well. I love the Bradwin character, no chance of having to wonder who's talking with that dialog. You got a comment about scene setting but I don't see the need for more of that in this. When you get Q some place where there is a scene to describe, you can do that. As far as the description of a dragon, that has to be up to the writer but when you diverge from an accepted canon (like dragons have scales, not fur) you probably will need somewhere later to cover either that people are foolish thinking of scales or possibly there are other kinds of dragons or, maybe fur is an adolescent transitional stage. None of this matters for this section. It's ok to challenge your readers expectations as long as you give them a good story. This one is starting out really well. Keep it up.

My best friend said yesterday that she will go away from me time by time. What should i do?

sounds like she has feelings for you to. but tryin to part herself from you and no this isnt fair b/c yall have been friends thats just not right, you really cant ask anyone how you'll solve this, this is something you'll have to figure out on ur own. i wish you luck!

Who are the top 5 NFL teams this year?

The Saints get an honorable mention? The Patriots and the Steelers lost game two of the season. Maybe you meant that they smell the strongest.

My old friend is trying to get in touch, should I let her?

You said "I wasn't even thinking about them at all" but to me it sounds like you think about your old friends quite a bit. It is normal to miss the people you've lost, but you can't get stuck living in the past. What's done is done. The what ifs don't matter. My advice to you is to move forward. You said you've made new friends already, you just need to realize these people want to open up to you and be a good friend. One day a few of these people will become just an old friend you never see anymore, but people come and go, things change all the time, you've got to live in the moment and enjoy every second of what you've got now. One day you might look back and miss jumping at the opportunities you have in front of you right now. Take life one day at a time, and always look forward. You can't change the past but you can change your future. Just keep smiling.

How do i prevent this bad breath?

I brush my teeth twice a day and also sc my tounge and also drink alot of water after everytime i eat something but my breath still smells lke "fart" all the time why? Mouthwash doesn't work also. How can i get rid of my bad breath without buying any products? I don't see wut im doing wrong

Where is there a high altitude environment that is not prone to earth quakes that is habitable?

I wrote just about the same question...but inhabitable was supposed to be habitable. anyway,i want to live in a place in high altitude that in n earthquake prone. if there are any other natural disasters that that area is prone to please tell me.

How do you know if you did good in a soccer game?

I never grew up watching soccer. I'm used to other American sports. Recently though my friend showed me a Messi highlightape on youtube. I thought it was awesome. I loved all his skills and goals. So I commited myself to watching Argentina in the WC. However, Messi didnt do SH*T lol. He didn't score the entire cup. One of my friends (who watches soccer regularly) said "yeah he didnt score but he had some good games." My question is how do you know? In Football if Adrian Peterson racked up 150 yards rushing and 35 yards receiving without any touchdowns, I'd still say he had a really good game. If Steve Nash only had 8 points yet had 20 ist, 9 steals and 10 rebounds, I'd still say he had a great game. How do you know in soccer? I like Messi's highlight tapes but man he's kind of a let down in the games.

Why do i say really really stupid things when around girls?

i was at kickboxing earlier and while we were putting our things away id noticed id lost my boxing gloves,when i found them a nice girl sed why dont you put your name on them and me being me sed in a retarded spastic voice "oh put my name on these like a spastic uuuuuuuuuuuu"i think its safe to say the girl was not amused...why do i say stupid things WWWHHHYYYYYYYYY

Does having more make one better/stronger?

If I confuse the actual value of money and education (or at least the paper that comes with an education) with simple greed then I am setting myself up for a disenfranchised life. Money and education are not the be-all-and-end-all of life, but the lack of them is the be-all-and-end-all of the freedom to CHANGE your life, when you decide you want something different.

Can you help me find good pictures of a quetzaal, ima get one tattooed but need more pics.?

i want a good pic of a quetzal, pease help me find some i need a pic y sat whne i get my tattoo, or of anything that has to do with mayans and aztecs you get my point i want to get this guy aswell but cant find the rest of him, can you help me finnd something like this thanks. a href="" rel="nofollow"…/a

Does he have ties to the Mob and Al Qaeda?

It's scary how dumb people are. If you sat down you could probably correlate any thing to anyone, and thats what republicans do.

Do you agree Murray made a holy show of himself at Wimbledon?

I agree , he was petulant with the umpire and desrectfull to his Gasquet , He will not have any fans outside of the UK , he has the personality of a doormat ( did you see him on Jonathan Ross) . I for one can't stand him and Nadel will destroy him

How does the use of a scratching post sharpen a cat's claws?

It actually does just the opposite. A scratching post helps the cat dull and keep their nails shorter (think emery board). It also acts as a stretching post and a place to add her own personal decorating touch.

Who are you rooting for tonight: Texans or Colts?

Colts are going to win this one. I have a feeling that this is gonna be a great game regardless. I can't wait!!

Hey, can you give me any more songs like this(JBros, Miley, Etc..)?

a href="" rel="nofollow"…/a

Where did all the predators come from?

Yes people as young as 13 maybe even younger are on this site. I don't think that this is right either.

Saturday, August 13, 2011

Propane gas which is used is denser?

Propane gas which is used in barbecues is denser than air. it s also flammable. propane appliances are often used on areas without electricity. explain why a leak from a propane appliances is very dangerous"

Why is bigotry permitted?

This whole Grey's Anatomy thing has me baffled. Washington says he didn't use the "F word", but his co-stars says he did. So I guess my question is..."Why is it ok to be a bigot, when a racist would never be tolerated?"

A super NT Authority?

My laptop has a virus that shuts down in 60 seconds by the name of NT Authority. I've looked around and everyone says to hit "Shutdown -a". I do so, but when i do, the countdown still continues and all the icons and toolbars disappear with only the background image and the countdown showing. when it does work however. the countdown may have stopped but for some reason it is still running, so it drains all of my CPU, thus, allowing me not to be able to do anything at all. Can't even virus scan, go into a doent, go on the internet. nothing. When can i do to resolve this?

A certain female family member comes and stays with us once every couple of months. She has an "odor" from

down below. It is pretty bad, and I don't know what to do. My little boy went to the bathroom this weekend while she was here and when he got to the toilet he said "Ewww! It smells like Aunt "Teresa". I was thankful she didn't hear this, but that smell is over-whelming. She is a very large woman so I don't know if it is an issue of just not being able to clean herself properly, or if it is an infection...I don't know but I need to know how I can tell her in the most polite way that she needs to get this checked out??? I love her very much and I would NEVER want to hurt her feelings, but I just don't know how much longer I am going to be able to take that smell. Please, only considerate, mature answers.

How many total people were at the youth camp in Norway?

I am hearing that as many as 80 kids may have been killed in the shooting spree at the youth camp in Norway. I'm just wondering how many total children were their? It is such a saddening story.

What would be a good home-based bakery slogan?

My mother is opening a small home-based baking business, selling things such as pound cakes, pies, muffins, some layer cakes. I am in charge of the graphic design/advertising aspect of things, such as business cards and brochures. What would be a good slogan? The name of the company is JES Desserts.

I had this white bump on my lower lip for several months now, what could it be? And how can I get rid of it?

This white bump appeared in june and it was really small and very unnoticeable. After a a few months ped, it has gotten bigger. It doesn't hurt or anything though, but it is very noticeable. I have a feeling that it is a Sebaceous (Oil) Glands but I'm not sure. I tried to pop it and cut it off but it just reappeared again. It has been here for about 5 months now. Most days it is big and some days it is small. Do you have any ideas of what it could be? And do you know how I can get rid of it?

Why can't I get to play blackjack as I did before.?

what do I do? I can't get to play blackjack as I did before? Each time I pick my table and hit play now the star poker screen comes up and wants me to download some program.

Did any of your pet's have fancy names?

I am from hampshire lol my hamster is called lucy. i used to have cats mo blade texas nashville luarell and hardy they all got old .my mums dog is called Julie which i think is posh for a dog.

Did Zach Galifianakis shave his beard off for the closing skit of SNL?

It looked like only his mustache was real. The beard is fake, and it was taken off for the last sketch, and put back on for the close.

Okay serious question here...Please help?

Okay, so awhile ago, I ended up in bad shoes. I had a guy friend who I was practically in love with and of course nothing happened so I hooked him up with my friend and then he eventually stopped talking to me and I found out through a friend that the girl I set him up with, started telling him all these lies about me so of course he believed her and stopped talking to me. So I got really cynical after that and swore off guys. My friend is the type to always want a guy that pays her all kinds of attention. So any guy she talks to, she starts feeling all warm and fuzzy so she asked me to give it another try with guys and I tried but it's all the same. I'm now at the point where I don't even want to get up in the morning, I'm so emotionally wore out. Is this normal ?? I can't sleep at night, I can't eat anymore even though my stomach is growling, I can't seem to keep anything down. What should I do ??

Too many good Outfielders...?

Ordonez is 1 of the hottest hitters in the league and should be in everyones starting line up. Soriano is heating up big time, I live in Chicago and watch every game trust me on this. He is hitting over .300 and already has around 15 doubles. I would choose Beltran over Sheffield for 1 reason. I don't like having 2 guys on the same team for off days. Willingham is on a bad team although he has a nice stick. Swisher is the odd man out. Griffey is a good backup but compared to your other 3 he should only see the lineup on their off days. You could make a huge trade with Willingham Shefield and Swisher. How did you come across that many outfielders anyway?!

Who is better out of these players?

Chris Paul is the only one on there ( MAYBE DAVIS, MAYBE!) that i would want on my team. The rest play for themselves, and probably with themselves.

McCain Voted With Bush 90% of the time? HUMM? How can he vote with a President when Presidents doesn't vote?

Possibly Obama means McCain votes on Bush's legislation? You know the ones he introduced into Congress?

Atheists: Doesn't it bother you that Religious extremists are brainwashing the youth?

Religious extremists are currently brainwashing the youth in Texas. Atheists, do you have children who attend a public school that preaches religious bull crap? Eventually they will try to force creationism and prayer in school. When will these people learn. Education and religion are mutually exclusive. Get used to it! If you had the money would they go to private system where teachers aren't so incompetent?

Should i trade away wes welker for santonio holmes for rest of season and i give him slaton for this week only?

i have marion barber and addai for this week so im not going to start slaton this week is holmes for welker good for me

Trying to choose between Jeremiah Rosabel OR Jeremiah Rosalie for my baby girl?

Neither. Jeremiah is such a masculine name, and personally I don't even like it for a boy. Your daughter would be teased; please don't put her through that. I do really like the middle name Rosalie, though.

What songs by my chemical romance are not on any albums?

if ur not counting their dvd, u missed desert rose since its not officially an album. under pressure is on the used in love and death album, just not a my chem album

MLA format. how to do a bands name and a word term?

doing an essay and i mention "the beatles" and the term "british invasion" and i just want to know if i underline, quotation, or italize those words in mla formatting

Where can I buy a hat like this?

Forever21. I got a hat that looks exactly like that for only around $5 and they have a variety of colors in it too.

Applied 4 BCA-IPU How to prepare?

well u r from medical field and now u r opting for computers field...i suggest u go to market and buy bca entrance preparation book that would cost u i guess around 200/ that book u will get questions that will resemble to real questions in the entrance paper

What is a way to describe brown eyes? Metaphorically, Simile wise, etc?

It's true that brown eyes are limited in their metaphors, but sometimes wood and earth can work in context. Using those, you can draw some reference to durability, stability, or reliability. Chocolate also works and in that case you can talk about the person's sweet or irresistible nature. :)

Who do you think is good looking ?

Jesse McCartney is good looking and Zac Efron is a ugly person sheesh people teenagers didn't used to be like this calling people gay for no reason

Triple Crown Complete?

Triple Crown Complete is NOT a sweet feed, it is considered a high fat, beet pulp based feed and is so much lower in NSC compared to a sweet feed. You are already doing great research and have found that Complete is 20.6% NSC, a sweet feed is 40+% NSC!! Grain based feeds -this means feeds that have barley, oats, corn in their ingredient list (sweet feeds and even pelleted) are going to have a high NSC value..always look at the ingredient list but also look at the total guaranteed ysis and NSC values too. Even though you see moles in the complete, senior and TC growth ingredient lists..the total starch and sugar is extremely low. Want something even lower than Complete.. go to TC Senior. It has not grains so is even lower in NSC than TC Complete and it is not just for seniors...this feed is fed to 3 yr. olds on up. If you have a HOT horse and want to keep them quiet, TC Senior would be a good pick over the Complete. Still have questions or want a feeding recommendation from the company.. call or email them, they are extremely helpful. 800-451-9916

Friday, August 12, 2011

Does RAW Need to find another Main Eventer?

I think they do need some new main eventers. Every time it is either John Cena or Randy Orton and its getting REALLY old.. I would like to see people that aren't so big like Evan Bourne <3 and i want to see more of shawn micheals.

Car accident left turn?

I am uming from your details that you both were in the right outside lane. If the driver was still in the outside lane and you pes her in the left lane she would be at fault. There are a lot a variables to the incident. As long as you didn't p on the shoulder than you are ok. The law doesn't permit drivers to turn left or right from opposing lanes. So I would say by what you had written; the other driver would be at fault. This is all based on your accounts and not seeing the accident scene.

What is the threat to Los Angeles if Yellowstone erupts?

what is the threat to those living in Los Angeles if Yellowstone caldera has a mive (catastrophic) eruption? Would we anything other than ash raining down constantly? Or would we get lava flowing this far southwest or other ??

My male mouse?? help?

yes, two males in one cage is never a good idea, they will get very territorially even if they were together in the pet store. get a new cage for one of them. you may want to put some anti-bacterial ointment on the one who was attacked if there are any open cuts of scratches, they may get infected. if he is really beat up, then bring him to the vet. also, there isn't too much you can do about the smell in the male's cages, it's hormones and the only thing you can do is clean it pretty often. best of luck! Bye!

Could it be said that the Jehovah's Witness organization?

It is just there belief and they have every right to believe what they think. Just like every other religion has the right to have their beliefs.That is what is so great with America..we can pick and choose which religion we want to follow not bw told which we have to believe in!

Samsung Blackjack i607 question! Please HELP!?

I have a i607 and there is an E displayed on the screen where the 3G usually is. What is the meaning of this??? Thank you for your help

How do skateboard kingpins get worn down?

how do skateboard kingpins get worn down? can it happen from grinding or is it when you try to ollie onto something your back truck gets caught on.

Is reading the bible outside of church going against what's written in the bible?

That particular version of the Bible was appointed by the King of England to be read in the Church of England. It does not say ONLY to be read in the church, simply that it is the version to be read in the church (or the Church of England). In my opinion there are only 2 things bad about reading the Bible: (1) reading it and not believing it and (2) reading it, believing it, then not applying what it says into our lives.

Winter vacation to alaska?

I have a friend who is from AK, and he told me that Anchorage is super cool, better than Juneau. But, do you want to spend a vacation below 0 degrees? lol

Why did YOU join the military?

I am currently 16 years old, & plan on becoming a Marine soon after high school. I've wanted to since 7th grade. So many people in school always ask me "why do you want to join?", "aren't you scared?", "I'm sure there's something better than the military", etc. To be honest, I can't come out with a straightforward answer on why I want to join, all I know is that I do & I will. If there's something better than the military, then I haven't heard of it. It's pretty difficult talking about this with someone that doesn't share the same points of view. So I want to know you, your reasons & experience. First of all, how was your life BEFORE joining the military. Second, why did you join, whether enlisted or officer. Personal reasons? Anything would be helpful. Thank you.

Pee-on-a-stick-aholics please read and help!!!?

I have been taking a test almost every other day and It's been 40 days since my last period. I had very light brown spotting on 8/13-16 but no period??!! Could I still be pregnant since I havn't gotten a BFP yet? Has anyone else been late and taken a test one day then a couple days later gotten a BFP? How late was it!? Thank you!

I am a moderator, have a mem who receives messages, but cant post, as she is told she is not a mem. How fix?

Have her unsub and rejoin; then see if it will work. If not, she may need to contact Yahoo for istance, or to create another Yahoo address.

My did my boy frenid told his sister that we a misunerstand and he not livie with me when was live me what me?

ok mo was chatty with some for 3week one day he went but he didnt tell me were he was going ok he came in 1.30am i thought wnat going now in the morning that his said sister got enget mant his was call on a number i just so didnt have that phone on me i was at at 4pm ihave 2moile numberes that he told his that we had a misunerstand so i wasnt at the party i phone sister on the friday she didnt tell she got engment i said did ue came to see she said yes ok

Student Loan HELP!!!?

I am trying to find a student loan to help pay for some expenses. My problem is that I don't have a co-signer and my credit isn't exactly exquisite. Anyone know of any loans that I could qualify for? Any suggestions at all?

Which irish hard shoes should i buy?

I started out as an Adult Beginner with Rutherfold Super Flexi. The leather soled shoes are really stiff and take longer to break in. If you can attend a large feis, there should be more than one shoe vendor and you can try on the different kinds and see what feels best to you.

I had a loan at a bank with a co-signer, can I get another loan there with my bad credit?

My credit is bad, but b/c I had a loan w/this bank and I paid in full and on time, would they be more likely to give me another loan?

Were those three just trying to creep me out or are they really weird s?

ok, so today at school, these three girls, lets call them vicky jenna and jodi, that's not their real names or id be dead, ok so jodi is really good at creeping me out, just this way she says things, i sit right behind them in cl, (seventh grade), and they normally are a little off, screaming hi at one teacher, making really weird screech sounds when vicky is surprised, yelling things like "oh i love tinkerbell!" and "i believe in santa claus,i go see him every christmas!" and little girl things, vicky and jenna really watch little kid shows and like it even though they function at a normal grade seven level, ok so today jodi said to me "hey, are you any good at cow moos?" and vicky said "oh i love cows! we did something on a cow today," and that kinda creeped me out a little... then later jenna wouldn't give vicky her pen back and vicky yelled at her "give me my pen back before i kiss you again!" and jenna said "no," then they actually kissed right their with me handing jodi something in between them, then they did it again a few minutes later, then jodi said "group hug!" and they all had a huge hug thing, then i kinda pushed jenna with my foot (i always do that to hugging people though) and jodi said "well if you want a hug too we wouldn't hug you, or any of you idiotic guys," are they really s like my head is hinting to or are they just trying to creep me out, i ask three other guys if they do that stuff when im not in the room and they all said "no they act normal for them when your gone"

How do you feel about PDA?

How do you feel about public displays of affection? Are you uncomfortable showing intimacy in a public place? Where do you draw the line?

Why do republican policies always create a total economic disaster? Do you ever cry about it?

Strange since only Congress can raise money raise and lower taxes and the liberals have been in control for 42 years.

Is a 1997 Plymouth Neon Highline a good first car?

I found one within my price range and I was wondering how well it stands up to wear and how well it will run for the future. Please explain your reasoning.

A message from the WWE Chairman. Your thoughts on it?

Much as I really miss Benoit... he was my true hero. But it's time to move on in life. Like Vince said this marks the first step of the healing process. We all lost someone that is very important to some of us. I believe it's time to move on now. R.I.P Benoit. We'll miss you

Can I buy a pre - built computer and gradually switch things out and replace them for better things?

I want a new computer right now but I don't have tons of money so i was thinking of buying a pre - built computer and just adding on to it over time. I really want a high end gaming computer in the end. If i buy a computer pre-built (like with an ATX Mid case) would i be able to switch EVERYTHING out of it over time? Including motherboard, cpu, graphics cards, RAM, hard drives, cd/dvd drives, power, fans... everything... and replace them with better things as i get more money? So basically i would be buying a computer, mainly for it's case, so i could constantly upgrade it.

My best friend HATES the guy that i REALLY like,,what do i do?

so my best friend USED to be friends with him,but he started bn a jerk to her bc he thinks she annoyinng, and i really like him and he knows. but my best friend hates him and got really mad wen she found out i like him. and she keeps saying i shouldnt like him because hes mean to her and im just confused and i dont want her mad at me but she should want me to be happy,right??

Lebanese Category... Where do you come from? Can you share with us a little something about that place?

I'm originally from Ras Beirut. I was born and raised there but have lived in the states for almost 15 years now. There's an interesting tradition that they used to do in ras beirut that's kind of like Halloween, but I think it has completely died out. A small group of men used to dress up in sheets (like ghosts) and go door to door and sing to people. In return people would give them random things. In my mom's neighborhood, they gave them matches (just matches ... no idea why). In my dad's neighborhood, they gave them fruit, usually bananas .. again no idea why. I had never heard of this until my parents brought it up ... this is something they saw when they were kids. I would love to see this tradition come back .. and I definitely would love to find out more about its origins and meaning.

First warped tour, im excited but i have a few questions!?

Broski shirts cost whatever the bands merch is selling them fro anywhere from 10-20 and all the info about meet and greets and bands is all here a href="" rel="nofollow"…/a

Who is roger baldwin?

he is related to blackjack and basic strategy chart. anybody know anything about him or where can i get his info? ty

A good healthy diet for an older active woman?

u can lose up to 10lbs in 10 days and eat real food. Go to scroll to bottom of page click on logo that says free trial offer. once you stop the weight wont come of luck

Are there any physcial problems that could cause a person to cry more easily than is normal?

I get a lump in my throat and cry over the slightest thing anymore. I've always been a little bit like this, but for the past year it's gotten worse. My thyroid tests show normal, but I am going through menopause. Could this be the problem or could there be something else?

Thursday, August 11, 2011

I just switched to tenor saxophone?

Okay sooooo i switched to tenor sax and i'm looking for a free printable chart. I know the notes r basically the same but, on my music i saw notes i don't know and their NOT inharmonic. Thanks. :)

Chemistry questions?

You haven't given enough details, but it was probably because the "aryl" was something like benzoic acid, which precipiates in acid solution, and dissolves in alkali solution.

EVERYONE;;Pretend im 5 years old, and explain DNA Reproduction! HELP!?

Okay. The information-coding bits of DNA come in four flavors (nucleotides): adenine (A), cytosine (C), guanine (G) and thymine (T). Think of these like four different shapes of jigsaw-puzzle pieces. When DNA is going to replicate, a special enzyme makes the two sides of the DNA helix (it looks kind of like a ladder) "unzip" just like a zipper, and free-floating nucleotides come and attach to each little piece of A, C, G, and T on each side. The way the puzzle-pieces interlock is that A and T fit together, and C and G fit together. So, the two sides of the DNA ladder separate, and each little A gets a new T attached to it, each C gets a new G, and so on. Once every nucleotide has a new partner, it re-completes the missing half of the ladder on each side, so now you have two ladders instead of one.

Is it bad moving your zebra finches cage once or twice a day ?

Because their cage is really high so i can't see them very well so when i want to sit and watch them i bring them down and sit next to them for couple hours is it ok ?

Why do ppl think they are gangsters in places like compton, etc.?

I live in Compton, and I am definitely NOT a gangster.LOL! All it is, is the media hype. The media portrays this city as "the ghetto", and make it seem straight hood! The part I live in is bad at times, but also it has it's good points too! They do have shootings, a lot...and fightings...but what place doesn't? Not everyone here is a thug!

What do you think of this article?

COLOMBO, Sri Lanka - This dessert may be a little too rich for you, but you're probably not rich enough for it. A Sri Lankan resort is charging $14,500 for what it calls the world's most expensive dessert, a fruit infused confection complete with a chocolate sculpture and a gigantic gemstone. "The Fortress Stilt Fisherman Indulgence" was created to give visitors at The Fortress resort in the coastal city of Galle a one-of-a-kind experience, said the hotel's public relations manager, Shalini Perera. The dessert is a gold leaf Italian cata flavored with Irish cream, served with a mango and pomegranate compote and a champagne sabayon enlighten. The dessert is decorated with a chocolate carving of a fisherman clinging to a stilt, an age old local fishing practice, and an 80 carat aquamarine stone. The dessert has to be specially ordered, Perera said. Though the hotel has gotten calls about it from as far away as Japan, she said, no one has yet forked over the money to try it.

What school or cheerleader is this?

the only school in this country I know of that has orange and black for their school colors is mepo in Mediapolis, IA. I know there is more than just one school in this country with those colors (and with sequins on their ies), but still, I's wondering if anyone knew what school this is or if u know this girl's sn. 'cause when I first saw the pic, I's like omG, that's hot. well, thanks all. oh, and if yahoo puts a "?" at the end of this link, just take it off and do the search again

When will the n64 come out for itouch 4.3.3?

ive been trying to downgrade my itouch to 4.2.1 but it hasnt been working, does anyone know how to downgrade from 4.3.3 to 4.2.1 or lower or does anyone know when the n64 will come out for version 4.3.3

Why does meiosis need to change the chromosome number before ual reproduction?

The chromosome number is halved during meiosis so when fertilization occurs, the original number is restored. For example, humans have 46 chromosomes. If the number wasn't halved, when two people produced a child, it would have 92 chromosomes (46 from the mother, 46 from the father). When the child had children, they could have 138 chromosomes (if the other parent had 46) or 184 (if the other parent had 92). The number would increase with each generation. On the other hand, if both parents have 46 chromosomes and the number was halved (23), when fertilization occured, the number in the offspring would be 46 (23 from each parent). So the number stays the same through the generations.

What do Syrian Americans think of ad killing protesters?

Do you think that all of the people need to rise up against ad, his military and rid Syria of Iran and Hezbollah?

Is Sirius radio worth the money?

Does anybody have sattelite radio and have an opinion on it? I was thinking of asking for it for my birthday.

What do I do with an abusive, overprotective, controlling boyfriend?

you have seen his true colors and you are suprise how many **** colors he have. might as well value youself and leave him. You deserve better. be safe.

HELP! I need a discriptive essay on the kitchen by tomorrow:(?

I missed school for a couple of days and now my teacher is making me turn in a essay tomorrow! I'm not asking anyone to rite it for me but I do need some help. She wants me to have all 5sences, a simile, a metaphor, a alliteration, an onomatopoeia, personification. See my problem? And she hasn't taught me any of this bec I was home sick... So can someone please help me!

Fissure Question?

I had fissure for probably 4 years already. I went to a doctor and he told me to eat healthy , take sit baths but it doesn't seem to help. I read that if you have minor or moderator fissure then it can go away with that and sometimes cream. However, is it possible for someone who has fissure for 3-4 years for it to heal or is it impossible? Doctor told me most people have the 6 or 12 o clock and i had the 3 o clock one.

Do female felines (cats) go through menopause?

No, they do not. An unspayed female will continue to go into heat, and can get pregnant again even when very old - which is likely to kill them. They do not have monthly periods like humans, just continuing heat cycles that do not stop with age.

Chicken with stewed tomatoes?

I want to simmer chicken in stewed tomatoes. How long should I let it simmer if I don't brown the chicken 1st? I plan to use Sicilian seasoning, not that that matters. Thanks.

Soooo sick of the jonas brothers

i am in love with zac efron! on the teen choice awards last night, the teen choice hottie was so predictable! who knew it would be all jonas? zac and chace didn't stand a chance. anyone agree? anyone else love zac and chace? jonas haters?

How many granny squares would i have to crochet to make a blanket?

they're 6" by 6" each. i want this to be something i can use to cover up when i'm taking a nap or something.

Thinkin about moving Granderson and Haren?

You have only one good pitcher other than Haren, so I'd keep him. Granderson's not doing well, so I'd trade him. Your outfielders are pretty good, and Carlos Guillen could fill in for him. Then when Church comes back, I'd put him in for Guillen. I'm pretty sure Carlos Quentin will keep it up, and he's only in a slump and will potentially start producing again. I don't think pursuing anyone will be necessary, because your players are only under performing, but will soon start playing well.

Chemistry question?

a certain industrial cleaner and paint solvent was distilled to produce a single compound A. when A reacted with 2,4-dinitrophenylhydrazine, an orange ppt was produced. with alkaline aqueous iodine, A gave a pale yellow ppt and does not react with either warm acidified potium dichromate or with aqueous bromine. reduction of A with H2 produce a 1:1 mixture of B and C with molecular formula of C4H10O

Does my mom have cancer?

Definitely does not sound like cancer. Cysts are quite common even when first going through menopause. She may just be stressed out and over tired which could be what is causing the sinus infections and rash. Just be supportive of her and help her out with whatever you can. She is lucky to have such a caring child! Relax and enjoy the holidays together!

Will frozen soil kill my plant?

i just started my plant and its a little sprout and the soil froze will that kill the plant? its thawing right now

Give honest opinions and help on this poem plz?

Blessings. very inspirational, vivid, precious and pure your writing touches your readers heart nice setting, delightful to read a little sad at the end very open emotions. Good job keep on writing.

Which team without their star players would you rather play with?

i agree that the Cavs have a better team, but what is most important is that they have better players in, what I feel, are the more important positions such as Point Guard and Center, and I feel they have a deeper bench than the Lakers... but I think when you throw Kobe in, then that changes the balance towards the Lakers favor... just my opinion...

Does apple sell apple brand different color battery casings for iPhone 3gs?

I am getting ready to buy an iPhone 3GS from a guy and he said that he changed the back to a red backing and was wondering if it was a cheapo non bran or if it could be apple brand. Thanks

Whereabouts is the ATT exam likely to be in Leeds?

I have an ATT exam in Leeds in a month and still haven't received a slip saying where the exam is (though I'm ured it isn't late yet). I need to get going with booking hotels and such, could someone tell me where it is likely to be (is it in the same place every year for example)?

What is this WILL FERRELL skit from SNL?

The one where Will Ferrell is at a dinner table with a bunch of people (NOT the one with Sarah Michelle Gellar). After anyone says anything, he flips his plate of food over and says “F*** this, I’m outta here!”

How long does it usually take State Farm to settle a lawsuit? (Pain,suffering,bodily injury from auto accident

Injury was a cervical strain. How much do you think that is worth? (I am bracing for the negative comments, so go ahead if you must!) :)

Should be hurt or get over it?

Instead of telling her just straight up, show pive signs of hate, such as ignoring her and turning away. She will get it sooner or later without you having to tell her.

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

How many and what types of cells are formed by meiosis? are they haploid or dipaloid?

umm i know reproductive cells are formed through meiosis and i thinkkk they're haploids...not sure though. hope that was of some use...

Any advice for me :(? ?

I really liked this one guy more than ive ever liked a guy before. I sat next to him in homeroom in tables and it was just us and we talked all the time. He told me his secrets and everything. But i realized that he didnt like me for anything more than a great friend. And he still likes my friend, the most popular girl in the grade. I tried to get over him but i couldnt. I like him for so long. I couldnt let go. Even during the summer i always thought of him. In the summer he doesnt talk to me. He doesnt have a fb or a phone or aim, nothing. Recently realized that hes not worth it and finally got over him. im finnaly over him and i dont min being by him, but the thing is i cant find somrone to fill my 'empitiness' i try not to write any more songs (to add to the 7) about him, because it just remeinds me of him and what could be. I dot have intrest in anyone else and know one likes me. I dont have anything to think about or make me smile. I dont have any inspration so latley i haven been writing songs. I try to hang out with my friends but it doesn make me feel any happier. I try to look for guys and everything but nothing makes me feel good. I have know inspiration when it come to love and i cant find any. Any adivce?? And also, is thier a good song that you can think of that relates to how i feel?? thanks guys:(.

Question about Blue Cross Blue Shield and Northside Hospital in ATL Georgia?

I have a PPO policy with BCBS in North Carolina, I had to have surgery at the Northside Hospital in Atlanta GA- by a specialist. Does anybody know if Northside is In or Out Of Network for Blue Cross?

If Puerto Rico and territories of the United States have no electoral votes, does that mean that they have no ?

voice in choosing a president in the electoral college system even thought those born in those areas have U.S. citizenship?

What are these type of pictures called?

I don't think there's a name for that, maybe just commercial Photography (Product shots, advertising, etc.)

My eyes are very red after taking my contacts off.?

After sleeping with your contacts in it is possible you may have scratched your cornea. Also you may have some allergies that affect them, or you may have developed an allergy to the material your contacts are made from. This can happen quite suddenly (it did to me). The best bet is to see your eye doctor, often follow up exams are free of charge.

Dry finger tips?

About a months ago I started getting cracked, peeling and raw fingertips. It is only on my right ring finger, which is weird. It hurts to rub it. I tried rubbing moisturizer on it and vaseline and it didn't really help much. We work with hydrochloric acid alot in Chemistry, could I have touched it maybe? Or is it just dry skin...

Who do you believe .....Israel Iran Russia NATO the UN ? ?

Unfortunately our media in the U.S. leads Americans down a certain thinking path- you raise good points. Here are several different articles- it will take some time to read -a href="" rel="nofollow"…/a a href="" rel="nofollow"…/a a href="" rel="nofollow"…/a a href="" rel="nofollow"…/a This is a small example of other info out there- Just read everything and see what makes sense to you.

Huge Season-Changing FF Trade???????

Ok, whatever you do, DO NOT give up Tom Brady for anyone. Your WRs will produce a few points, lets say 6 pts per game. Brady is putting up an average of lets say 25 plus and usually plus. If you go to Warner as a backup he might only get 5 to 25 per week. So the few extra you might get from the WR position you will lose from Brady. So you might actually score fewer points even with better recievers. Keep Brady. Schaub is unreliable as well. Brady is having an MVP type of season. Trading him would result in your team losing more games.

Meiosis,does the X and Y chromosomes cross over?

in a cell in meiosis logus chromosome pairs cross over. the chromosome pair in male is X and Y.Y been shorter than Y ,do they cross over?

Question Regarding The Tomb Watch Of Jesus.?

The Jewish leaders didnt want to lose their power and political influence so they lied about the body being stolen yet it was guarded by guards and a large stone.God will not be mocked.

Plumbers mate required?

Anybody know companys may be looking for a tranie plumbers mate willing to work unpaid to gain knowledge.

Would you like to know all aid donors to the philippines in the amount of $2.8m to healthcare and education?

$2.8m is a large amount and we should be given the chance to express our profound gratitude. we should also be given the chance to check on them as to where the money went. the name of the donor agency. the target benificiaries. the cost benifit of the program. after all we should walk the talk. or was it talk the talk. walk the walk? talk is cheap. lay down your cards.

Why the rock bands is losing their quality�s?

Because the "in thing" now for some time has been to purposefully show poor musicianship and to write songs feeling sorry for yourself. Any rock band that comes off as playing well and looks like they're having fun is immediately written off as an 80's copycat and ignored by radio.

My friend told me the weirdest thing today?

"Honestly I think your a really smart girl who tries to hide it. I think you dumb yourself down so that you can fit in, your seriously like a hidden genius. And people don't understand you because you have such a high intellect level they can't even comprehend."

Why are human beings so addictive to physical attractiveness?

I mean men who have lost luck to girls because they weren't a Nick Jonas or Zac Efron its not fair for the men who toss and turn every night thinking how much they would treat a girl better than the man she with and its unfair for those men because than they have to become other than what they are just to satisfy your well-being

I have a 55 gallon tank with small stone,, a big hiding log, and a couple caves, can I get a fire eel?

I have 3 t-barbs, a small hornpout (from a lake) a rainbow shark, a leopard pleco, 2 little goldfish, and one black moor, and a black finned tetra, all under 5 inches right now, I really want to get a fire eel, what do you think?

Who will win the Emmy 4 Outstanding Lead Actor in a Drama Series?

Bryan Cranston!!! (even though i haven't seen that show) but i love him in malcolm in the middle he's the best, so i know he's a good actor, is it a good tv show?

Freshwater to Saltwater Switch plus other questions?

I have a 30 gallon freshwater tank right now with a stand built for 40 gallons, a heater, a good filter, a kind of pebble gravel, and one large centerpiece rock, and one small rock for the side. What else do I need to convert into a saltwater tank? What can I use? What will be the final price (without fish)? I am not planning on buying coral, anenome, etc. What are some fish I can put after I cycle my tank and all that other stuff? Thanks to anyone who answers everything.

Design a Simply supported rectangular reinforced concrete beam ?

Design a simply supported rectangular reinforced concrete beam to support a uniform live load of .8 kip/ft and concentrated loads at midspan of 10 kips dead load and 14 kips live load. Use Fc=5000psi and Fy=60,000psi. The beam is 20' long from one support to the other then 10' overhang to the right after the 2nd support. There is a concentrated Dead load of 8 kips and Concentrated Live load of 10 kips at 9' in. There is a uniform Live load of .5 kip/ft and Dead load of .3 kip/ft.

Adult onset egg intolerance, but only present when consuming eggs by themselves, not within other foods?

Maybe you can handle the very small amounts of egg in other foods but no more than that. Sorry, that's unfortunate. We can develop allergies at any time in our lives. Just be careful about flu shots--they contain egg protein so tell the nurse about this.

As an American do you feel threatened that the position of superpower is effectively over ? ?

The US being a superpower was the problem, especially when Bush started the preemptive strike crap. It scared the world after he attacked Iraq and devastated it. Now the US and the world has more countries arming themselves with nukes to prepare for a possible US invasion. Hopefully now, as you say, the US is no longer a superpower, we won't be a treat to the rest of the world. However, I think the US still is a superpower and will be for a long time with all the nukes it has that is relies on exclusively as a negotiation tool which makes the US still a threat to the world and a bully.

Help please we desperately need heating!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!?

Many combis have built in filling loops. Try the black tap. It sounds very likely. Open it slowly and watch the gauge. It will not be gas as gas is always coded yellow. If nothing happens return it to it's original position. It is possible that it is a water flow or return pipe, but unlikely if there is just one of that type. Don't worry if there is a small water spillage as this is common and quite ok. Have a go, you can't do any harm as taps are there to be twiddled.

WWC Desecration III +WQ 4.........?

Promo: Paparazzi, you coward, I can't wait to get my hands around your skinny little neck. You may have gotten me the pin, but don't ever think I'll thank you and forget about what you did to me before you dragged me on top of Cameron. I'm going to be counting the days until I meet you in the ring and beat you to a bloody pulp. You better pray tonight.

Fighting bees or mating bees?

What you saw probably was a so-called "beewolf," a solitary sphecid wasp that attacks bees, paralyzes them with its sting, and carries them back to its underground nest where it deposits an egg. The wasp egg hatches out into a larva that consumes the paralyzed bee. Such hunting wasps can be quite persistent in trying to relocate lost prey.

How do you just accept the fact that you live in the best country in the world even though the govt murders?

We are surfs. We have very little to say about what happens. I believe there is a lot more going on than we know but since we can't do anything about it, ignore it. Why waste time thinking about something you can't change. And why do you think you are responsible for someone else's decisions?? Do you think you are so important? I vote, I do what I can. I makea difference in my community by volunteering to make things better where I live, I feel I do my part to make it a better place.

What to do about my friend? (medium story/explanation)?

People change as they grow up. There is no reason you can't be friends with more than one person. The person I was best Friends with in elementary school was completely different by the time I got to high school. I was hanging out with other people who had more of the same interests as me. Maybe its time for you to find someone who has more of the same interests as you and continue to distance yourself from your former best friend. Besides you can't make him do anything, just as he can't make you a emo computer nerd.

What should I do about all this?

Over three years ago I was diagnosed with several anxiety disorders. Geez, I don't even feel like taking the time to write this, as I've done it so many times. My parents are stupid and don't really understand what it's like to have anxiety, they think that everyone has it and that it's normal for a teenager. They just don't get it. I failed one course this year, but still manage to have a 90 average for my first two years of high school. Is that decent? It's not what I would've hoped. I'm pretty smart, and I tell my parents I would've been in the top 20 had I not had so much anxiety. They don't buy it though. They've come to believe that I'm just a lazy, narcissistic sixteen year old who thinks he knows everything. I'm on Prozac and Buspar, and my doctor gave me Klonopin the other day. I haven't taken it yet, and my mom's reluctant to give it to me at all because she thinks I'll become addicted. It's just so...gah! I don't know what to do. Through it all, the one thing that makes me keep going is the idea that one day I can be a huge success, that one day I could be in the Senate. That's my dream. I've studied the Constitution (I wrote it all out by hand last night), I've learned Latin and Spanish, and am going to learn Russian. I've read a bunch of political books (including the Communist Manifesto). It's just...I feel so hopeless. I want to be a great leader one day, but this damn anxiety is consuming my life. And all the while, no one seems to believe me. Or they think I'm overexagerrating...what do I do?

Could the Hoover Dam, Golden Gate Bridge or any other New Deal project be built today?

Unions would demand blanket representation without elections -- and every imaginable compensation for such hazardous duty. Workers would apply for stress-related disability benefits given the dizzying heights and the dank subterranean mining. Government regulators and inspectors would outnumber project engineers. Private entrepreneurs world never risk such a chancy investment without ironclad government guarantees of profits despite enormous cost overruns. And the public would be as skeptical of the risk as they would be eager to enjoy its dividends when completed.

Scarlet Letter Comparisons?!?

Maybe you could compare Dimmesdale to Tiger Woods...everyone thought they were role models and could never do any wrong but they committed big sins and shocked everyone, pretty much ruining their careers.

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Healthiest: oatmeal, bran or weetbix?

definitely weet-bix, 97% whole grains, pottium, zinc,iron, magnesium, thiamin(vitaminB1), riboflavin(B2), niacin(B3), folate, only 1/2 a gram of fat per serving, nothing better!!!

How might you explain the importance of dietary fiber to a client who frequently experience constipation?

You might want to tell him, that he needs to eat fiber for a good bowel movement, it's important to clean out the intestine, because if it sits in there too long its poisoning your body, gives unnecessary gas and it will give him hemorrhoids.

Question about angels and demons movie?

when the da vinci code was showed here in the Philippines, it received an R-18 rating, and i was just wondering if you think that angels and demons will receive the same rating... why or why not?

What kind of career would be like an industrial designer , architect and engineer combined w/ 6 fig. salary?

there is none with a 6 figure salary. Everyone wants a dream job that makes lots but that doesn't usually happen.

In the movie across the universe....?

It was just one of the many riots that broke out in Detroit at that time-period. I don't think that's his father, just a family member or even a friend.

What does everyone think about the game fixing allegations in the NBA?

Makes you wonder. Personally I believe it's probably just one individual but who knows. Sounds like the guy has a gambling problem.

Can't shake cold?

My daughter had a bad cold for about 3 days but she's great now. I caught it from her but I can't seem to shake it. I've had it for almost a week now and it hasn't gotten any better. My nose is super congested, to the point where over the counter meds aren't really helping. I'm only sleeping a couple of hours a night because my nose plugs up and drains into my throat - causing me to wake up gagging. My kid didn't have it near as bad as me. Does anyone have any ideas or suggestions that may help me out? Any advice is much appreciated! Thanks!

Do you now think Stoke have a great chance of staying in the prem.After getting our 1st away win on Saturday?

We have 2 home games now against Newcastle and Blackburn.I just love it when all the so called experts get it wrong.We were favorites go down as soon as we got promoted and now only 9 points off Europe,lol

Question on this?

I got a student loan out, and my friend co-signed with me, but she lives several states away. I got the check in the mail today, I am the primary borrower and she's the co-signer and both of our names our on the check (mine first). She gave me permission to sign her name too. Is that legal?

If I purchase an ipod Touch, is there an App to listen to Sirius/XM radio?

Does this App allow you to listen live or just download files of recorded shows? I already have a subsciption in one of my cars. Will I pay more to access through my ipod Touch?

I'm confused in life.?

Im a grade 12 student, mid semesters are approaching. I'm not ridiculously smart and i feel as though my intellect can be used to solve problems at my grade level.My problem is my motivation, concentration and dedication to work. I rarely do homework. Today i've wasted 7 hours and have done nothing productive. I feel miserable inside, but at the same time feel as though things can stay the same and i can somehow drag myself through the future. I've decided on going to university but im questioning myself whether or not i have the charachter suited for it. I see many others going to university with alot less hardwork intellect. The future seems scary, i know how to be succesful at school but knowing the path is different from walking the path. Is there some way i can get my life back on track. Iniative is the problem as it has been all my life.

An employer laid off an employee, but later states the employee resigned - is this grounds for libel/slander ?

the employer stated that I was to be laid off due to cost. However to others within the company and outside vendors advises that the employee resigned via email and verbal discussions...Is this consider grounds for libel/slander in NY?

Should I drop freddy sanchez?

drop him and Andre Ethier did not have that good of stats last year but this spring he has 9 HR'S! and like 40 RBI's he is underrated to me and a coue more quick ones for u....Jeff Francouer, Delmon Young (he is probably already on a team but if hes not add him), Andruw Jones, Jermaine Dye, Matt Kemp, and Ken Griffey JR.

Hi,Please Help?

I wanted to know for statistical method- If the question states test for geneity of variance is it 2 way ANOVA.Thanks (Urgent)

Oakland Raiders 2009 Record? What you think?

They need a play maker on the Defensive Line and at Wide Receiver. Other than that, their secondary is solid and there running game is great (They have starting Running Back talent 3 deep on the depth chart). It will pretty much come down to the coach. It has to be somebody that can have control over the team while still placating Al Davis. Finding that type of Coach is one thing, and Davis actually hiring him is even another. The team will continue to fail to reach it's potential until Davis is gone. 7-9 next season followed by 4-12 in 2010

Where can I buy these UGGS?

those are really cute. well you could get them at journeys or nordstrom if you have those stores out there. also you could just order them online? you could also get these same uggs and even better ones in the brand name of bearpaw. they are so much cheaper and also name brand!

Is this mythology or do you think?

not 17,000 years old. maybe 1,700. carbon dated to 400 - 500 AD. amazing what people can accomplish when they're not playing wii or watching american idol.

If britain was on the brink of a civil war?

do you think all these countries we are falling over ourselves to help financially would return the favour and help us out....

What are the 4 signs that warn Julius Caesar about March 15th?

What are the four omens that warn Caesar about March 15th, 44 B.C. ? I think they are Calpurnia, Julius' wife, and the soothsayer but I can't think of the rest. Thanks!

Three wishes?

you find the magic lamp.. rub rub rub.. out comes the genie.. 3 major wishes u have to ask of him/her ... what would they be ??

Please help me on this math rpoblem?

This math rpoblem is one of those issues that is important, and that involves knowledgeable ministership about

How can anyone have the cheek to say that a Ford Fiesta is high qaulity??????

HEY! Ford's are great cars. The fiesta is ugly though. I think Toyota's are the best made cars though. They last FOREVER. My father has a Toyota that has 300,000 miles on it and he just replaced the engine. Now he just keeps it for nostalgic purposes though.

Which AFL club places spitoons in their members section during home games?

That's an easy one.....Richmond. That's why, despite the spoon and their poor start, Terry Wallace hasn't felt the ferocity of the feral f-wits phlegm. Tiger supporters say they are pionate, when in reality they are fair weather mongs. Harsh, but fair.

How do we deal with hate speech?

We have our share of bashers who use this forum as a platform for hate speech, harrment and abuse. I believe that if we all report instances of abuse, harrment and hate speech, we can rely on the powers that be in Yahoo! to take the appropriate action. Responding to them in order to gain the extra 2 points isn't worth it. I won't target a name, specifically. I just think that if everyone who finds a bigot offensive reports them, the complaints will garner action. What do you think?

I need a really spacious and easy blank map please!?

For my homework I need to label so many things. Encarta maps is not working anymore so none of the maps I have found are spacious enough, Thanks. Btw; they need to be blank, printable, and have the country lines filled.

Dash wont illuminate and other lighting issues on 99 Yukon Denalli?

1999 Yukon Denali. all my gauge light works like seat belt light and engine light but the back light wont illuminate. Someone has screwed around with it before me and my headlights are on all the time. I can turn the dimmer nob to get the dome lights on, and the dome light wont come on when the doors open. the reason i think someone has screwed around with it is because there is a wire soldered to a brown wire in the wire cluster that connects into the back of the light Control switches, the wire may or may not have something to do with the remote start that came with it.

Monday, August 8, 2011

Why am i lusting over his characteristics and not him?

na a druggie with an ault charge is only problems lurking around the corner for you I promise been there and done that. I just moved on and found someone that I felt the way you are talking about that isn't a druggie or abusive. I say keep looking do things to keep him of your mind. ANYTHING to keep him off your mind.

What's a good sewing machine for a non-beginner?

I have just killed my white sewing machine (as in I knocked it off the table and it broke the frame and jacked up the bobbin. It was a cheap White 3032 I bought for under $100, shook like crazy, but got the job done. I also own a Janome L392 that my husband bought for me 10 years ago for $600. It has never worked right, and although it purrs when it decides it wants to stitch, it mostly just infuriates me so bad I want to throw it across the room. So, I need a new sewing machine! I am not a beginner. I don't want anything computerized or that threads the needle for me. I use my machine nearly daily. I mend, make quilts, sew dresses, curtains, etc. I need something that will hold up well, runs smoothly, and isn't expensive. I don't need a lot of fancy stitches or anything - I just need a workhorse! I've looked at several reviews, but honestly, I don't know the first place to start. Anyone have any advice, so I can get back to making Christmas presents?

Final Fantasy movie?

If their are final fantasy movies what are the names and where can I watch them without buying? Ive already seen Final Fantasy VII: Advent Children. And if their are other fun movies please tell me.with describtion. Easy ten points

How can I get paint off of the sleeve of my winter coat?

It's like a snowboard coat: mesh inside for warmth but the outside isn't cloth so that I don't feel the wind through the fabric. The non cloth part is stained with paint, any ideas how I can remove the stain?

What is the partial pressure of Ar?

X is giving you the mole fraction for each component. X = partial pressure/total pressure. The total pressure will be 1 atm or 760 torr. So the partial pressure of Ar= (9.34x10^-5)x(760torr). The answer is .071 torr.

Swordtail fish is twitching?

We have a swordtail fish in a community tank. Three angelfish, one tetra, two catfish, dragon goby, two sharks, jack knife and then the velvet swordtail. The newest fish is the dragon goby but he's been in the tank for about a month and this problem just started with the swordtail about 4 days ago. He's swimming kind of sideways and at first I thought it was a swim bladder problem but he's twitching every couple of minutes like he's having a seizure. He just started hiding behind plants, etc. today so I am sure he will be gone tomorrow. But I'd like to know what this is and if its going to effect my other fish.

How good is my fantasy team?? And should I take this trade?

you have a pretty solid team, in all honesty, reggie bush is a great addition to any team, but you seem pretty solid at running back. i wouldn't get rid of any of your recievers, and coles should be higher than a b-, that guy just had 3 touchdowns haha. so yeah, i'm not sure i would take any of the trades, except for maybe 5.

I need help with a business law question..?

A standard form contract (sometimes referred to as an adhesion contract or boilerplate contract) is a contract between two parties that does not allow for negotiation, i.e. take it or leave it. It is often a contract that is entered into between unequal bargaining partners, such as when an individual is given a contract by the salesperson of a multinational corporation. The consumer is in no position to negotiate the standard terms of such contracts and the company's representative often does not have the authority to do so.

Can you use sonnets to audition for drama schools?

No. I've been there and done it...I auditioned 2 years running before gaining places at R.A.D.A. and The Drama Centre.....don't use a sonnet....choose a speech.....some publish a list that you have to choose from whilst others leave it up to you but believe me a sonnet would not go down well....I''ve sat in on many audition panels at colleges since I completed my training.

Zac Efron on Ant and Dec? Whatt!?

In the UK Ant & Dec are bigger than Zac Efron, Miley Cyrus and Paris Hilton. that is why they want to do their show

It is not our fault why America is "overweight"?

So just because we have the availability of fast food and TV commercials, it is not our fault we eat too much. And you are the only one smart enough to figure this out. We are a fat society because we are lazy and just plain eat too much and do not physically work or exercise enough. Too many parents let their children sit in front of either the TV or computer and eat junk food. It is our own fault.

Could you help me find a book?

I have already read The Harry Potter Series, The Twilight Saga, Eragon Series,Peter and The Starcatchers Series,The Narnia Series,The Hunger Games Series, The Percy Jackson Series,Farworld Series, and Diary of a Wimpy Kid Series. Please help me find a book or a book series around those lines.

Synonyms for "gorgeous, beautiful"?

Hey! I'm looking for beautiful to use in place of gorgeous, beautiful, etc... Something close to goddess-like beauty, used to describe a woman. I don't want to use something generic :) thanks!

The message stamp in my yahoo group is incorrect.?

there's another setting in My Account for time zones that you need to set, once you do the stamp will be correct

I have pain in my femur?

i have pain in my femur once every few months but yesterday and today was the worst. im 14 so i dont think its about my age. should i see a doctor. my mom says its bec i might have slept on my leg to long. but i cant move my leg without a great amount of pain. but i can walk on it but i cant bend my knee bec it starts to hurt.. wats wrong with me and should i see a doc.

Which one of these rare/indy finishers do you think has a remote shot of being used in the WWE?

I'd say 2 has a "remote shot" but, as others stated, it's the Kilswitch with a twist. THe other 2 are too dangerous and not allowed in the WWE because it could cause a concussion.

Edgar Allan Poe - The Tell-Tale Heart?

He was extremely concerned, bordering on the unhealthy, of his state of mind. He continually reured himself he was not insane.

Is Christianity its own worst enemy? ?

Religion is comepletely man made, do animals follow religions? Religion its self is a ticking time bomb of hate that always proves to be false and dangerous. "Religion creates division and hate." So in short, all religions are their own worst enemy.

I heard this about j podsiadly?

i heard james podsiadly didn't play footy till he was 17 and then a year later he was drafted by an afl club ? is that true

After the Norman Conquest, how and when was "English" restored as the language of the noble cl?

The thing about English is that the language absorbed both Norman French words and Anglo Saxon to make the language we know today. A fine example is in meats - in the early medieval period the peasants raised the animals whilst the French nobility ate the produce. So we rear 'cows' (AS) but eat beef (boeuf, FR), or raise pigs (AS) but eat ham (jambon FR). Remember that by the reign of Richard II English was, however, becoming the received language of the country - Chaucer wrote The Canterbury Tales in Middle English.

Obama--ination or Betrayal first?

Which do you think will happen first---Obama will be inated,or trade his Blackness and betray "his people"to stay in office ?

My poem, wat do you think?

"She needs to remind herself that life isn't quite that bad" ... notiice u said "that" twice. Try changing it to.. " she needs to remind herself that life isn't quite SO bad" ahaha get it?(: ... mabey next time tru making it more humble, to the point where the poem kinda paints a picture in your mind and touches your heart... but other that that, I was a pretty good poem! :D I'm a poet, so just givin honest advice. Hope I helped